Manuscript Checklist for Submissions to JAPR
The following checklist should be used when preparing an article for submission to JAPR. Please be sure to follow the specifications exactly and completely to ensure that your article is reviewed in a timely manner, as well as to avoid delays further along in the publishing process should your article be accepted for publication.
[ ] The paper should be created using a word-processing program (such as Microsoft Word) and should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words in length. Save the file in .rtf or .doc format.
[ ] The paper is typewritten, double spaced, and formatted to print on 8.5'' x 11'' (or A4) size paper. It is written in the third person in a clear style, free of jargon.
[ ] The first page of the article includes the following:
[ ] a brief title that is descriptive of the paper’s contents;
[ ] the name(s), position(s), professional or academic affiliation(s), and email address(es) of the
author(s), as well as the full postal address of the corresponding author; and
[ ] a 45-character running title.
[ ] The second page of the manuscript includes the following:
[ ] the paper’s title and
[ ] an approximately 200-word abstract that emphasizes the paper’s contribution to the field and its
practical architectural or planning implications.
[ ] The body of the paper includes the following:
[ ] an introduction to the subject,
[ ] background information,
[ ] discussion of procedure,
[ ] results,
[ ] conclusions,
[ ] implications for practice and advancement of research,
[ ] references,
[ ] acknowledgments (optional; if funding for the research was received from non-personal sources, the
sources must be identified in this section), and
[ ] an autobiographical sketch.
[ ] References are complete, have been arranged in alphabetical order and checked for accuracy, and comply with JAPR reference style:
[ ] Reference citations in the text are referred to by author name and year. If there are more than two
authors, the name of the first author followed by “, et al.” has been used.
[ ] Papers by the same author(s) published in the same year are distinguished by the use of lowercase
letters following the date.
[ ] References contain the following information, in the order shown: names of all contributing authors
(last name followed by first initial), date of publication, title of article, names of editors (edited books
only), title of journal or book, volume and issue numbers (journals only), location and name of publishing
company (books only), and inclusive pages (journals and articles in edited books).
[ ] Page numbers have been provided for all quotations within the text.
[ ] Figures are submitted in the form requested by JAPR:
[ ] All artwork is submitted in camera-ready black-and-white copies (halftones) or original line drawings.
All photographs are black-and-white glossy prints.
[ ] Each figure is submitted as a hard copy, one figure per page.
[ ] All type is large enough to still be readable when reduced to fit the journal page size (approximately
5.25'' x 8.25'').
[ ] Any artwork that is not a table is labeled as a figure in the order in which it appears in the text. No
other labels (e.g., matrix, photograph) have been used.
[ ] A brief caption is provided for each figure.
[ ] The figure is cited in the text.
[ ] JAPR cannot simply republish previously copyrighted materials or materials owned by someone other
than the author without the written permission of the owner. This includes photographs and figures. If your
article includes photographs or drawings that are owned by someone other than yourself, you need to obtain
written permission to reproduce that material in the pages of JAPR.
*If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be provided with information on where to send the hard copies of any figures.
[ ] All tables are included either in the original manuscript file or as a separate Microsoft Word document and have been checked to ensure that they can be easily reproduced on the journal page size (approximately 5.25''
x 8.25'').
[ ] A brief caption is provided for each table.
[ ] The table is cited in the text.
[ ] The manuscript and any table files should be sent via email to Andrew D. Seidel, Editor-in-Chief, at [email protected]. Nearly all scholarly journals are now accepting manuscripts only by electronic means. However, if you absolutely cannot do this, please send us a brief fax at +1-406-794-0216 with your contact information, and we shall do our best to accommodate you. Please understand that submitting files as hard copies can cause significant delays. Materials should be submitted as digital files if at all possible.
Bear in mind that ONLY original works neither published nor under review elsewhere will be considered.
Sample articles previously published in JAPR can be found here.
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc.